Sunday, April 27, 2014


I was talking to an investigator in Brazil about my anticipated return home to the states.

Me - "I don't know how I am going to survive. Returning home is going to be so hard for me."

Investigator - "Doesn't the church have support groups for that?"

Me - (With a smile) "No, but they really should."

And since I couldn't find anything in the best web surfing I could do after an 18 month hiatus from the internet, I am doing the next best thing:

Here begins my attempt to offer support to those suffering from a loss of purpose and identity as their calling as a representative of the Lord has come to an end. My actions here have a dual purpose. I hope to sort this new life out myself as well. Hopefully we can grow through this experience together.

I hope to include experiences and posts from others as well. If you would like to participate with a post, please send me an email at ""

So let me start off by introducing myself,

Hi, my name is Erin and I am a Return Missionary. As of today, I have been home for 4 months and six days.